A2.b Spanish level course
  • A2.b Spanish level course

A2.b Spanish level course

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This is our official Cervantes E.I. A2 (part B) digital course and it’s based in our highly efficient method of studies as result of our 35 years of experience. Based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) that is the system that defines and explains the different levels of oral and written expression and comprehension for languages such as Spanish.

  • You will be able to communicate in everyday situations with commonly-used expressions and basic vocabulary.
  • Give your cv a boost by including your language skills and get a better job or the perfect complement to your studies
  • The best value for money, fun, and effective way to learn a language!

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  35 years of experience guarantee us

Accredited center by the Cervantes Institute.

Unusual experiences, talk about past experiences, diseases and symptoms, body parts, difference between “muy” and “mucho”, express obligation, educational norms and social situations, contrasting past and present habits, the verb “soler” and atmospheric phenomena.

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