Terms and Conditions
Cervantes Escuela International is a trademark registered by the Spanish Company Cervantes & Cervantes Debla, S.L. with the following tax (CIF) and registration numbers (Cif B29693090, Tomo 1607, Libro 520, Folio 86) and located at Avda. Juán Sebastián Elcano, 89 29017 Málaga (España), owner of the web pages on the cervantes.to domain, where it´s webpage is located.
Website contents
CERVANTES ESCUELA INTERNACIONAL (hereinafter, also the vendor) offers its business information reliably. Nevertheless, it is possible that occasionally there may be a typing error that the vendor is committed to solving as soon as possible.
The vendor reserves the right to modify at any moment the commercial offer of courses presented on the website.
Purchasing system
The customer is able to make a purchase via the order form. Once the customer has selected a product, accepted the conditions and clicks the send button a binding contract offer is generated.
The purchase will be accepted within 72 hours, by sending the customer purchase confirmation via e-mail, at which time the contract takes effect.
Contact with the customer will by via e-mail.
For the completion of the contract the Spanish language will be used, notwithstanding that the vendor may enable the use of other languages.
Prices and method of payment
The prices of the courses offered in the CERVANTES ESCUELA INTERNACIONAL pages are final prices with taxes included.
For purchases via the CERVANTES ESCUELA INTERANCIONAL web page payment will be accepted via credit card or PayPal.
Cancellation right
The customer is entitled to exercise their right to cancel within 14 calendar days from the confirmation of the purchase of the course.
The client is able to notify their intention to cancel via the e-mail info@escuelacervantes.org.
All payments received from the customer will be refunded using the same payment method used by the customer for the initial purchase.
However, in the event that the customer has already made use of all or part of the product, they will lose their right of withdrawal, in accordance with the provisions of Article 103 m) of the Royal Decree 1/2007 of 16 November, which approved the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, as amended by Law 3/2014, of 27 March, through which the aforementioned text was modified.
In addition, in the case of the DELE exam preparation courses, the customer must guarantee that the level of Spanish indicated in the booking form corresponds to the level that the customer has completed in the past. If afterwards it is verified that this is not the case, the DELE exam preparation course can not be offered and there will be no refund.
Customer's obligations
The customer agrees to fill out the appropriate forms with correct information.
The customer agrees to accept the conditions set out in this document.
Additionally, the customer agrees to keep confidential with utmost care the personal and non-transferable access passwords supplied by CERVANTES ESCUELA INTERNACIONAL.
Security, confidentiality and data protection
All online payment operations are made via a secure SSL server that protects data from attempted violations from a third party.
The customer agrees to accept the conditions set out in this document..
Additionally, the customer agrees to keep confidential with utmost care the personal and non-transferable access passwords supplied by CERVANTES ESCUELA INTERNACIONAL.
Personal data provided by the customer, in accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, will be incorporated into a file owned by CERVANTES INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, in order to perform correct management of this service.
The customer is entitled to exercise their rights of access, correction and cancellation of their data, for which they can direct their request via e-mail to info@escuelacervantes.org, via postal services to CERVANTES ESCUELA INTERNACIONAL (Avda. Juan Sebastián Elcano, 89 - 29017 Málaga), or in person.
In the event that the client is a minor or has limited capacity judicially, they may only provide personal data in the appropriate forms thereof, with the previous consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who must send via email the appropriate form duly signed by them with a copy of the passport of the parent, guardian or legal representative to the address info@escuelacervantes.org
Intellectual Property
All the products offered by CERVANTES ESCUELA INTERNACIONAL are subject to intellectual property rights.
The customer can use the tutorials, exercises, images, videos and other contents used in the course or product, in accordance with their object and purpose. It is not permitted to use the content for other purposes which are not part of the course, and especially, is not allowed to reproduce, communicate or make them publicly available.
The customer is not authorised to record on video or audio tape, relay by videophone or other means the Online Course or Taught Course given.
Applicable legislation
The contract will be governed by Spanish law. Litigation that may arise between the customer and CERVANTES ESCUELA INTERNACIONAL, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Malaga.
Time zone in which courses are held
The online courses and all of its programming will be held in the time zone of Madrid, Spain (GMT +1).
Class duration
Duration 1 class: 50 minutes.
To obtain the certificate it will be necessary to actively participate in the classes.
The certificates will be sent via certified mail once only.
Private online classes schedule
The private online clases schedule for the following week will be notified every Monday and must be confirmed before Wednesday 3pm. If the class schedule is not suitable for the student, we will offer one alternative schedule. But in case the second schedule also wouldn’t be accepted for the student the classes for that week will be lose. The same apply if the student doesn’t confirm the schedule before Wednesday 3pm.
The teacher will wait for the student for a maximum of 10 minutes over the time set for the class. If the class cannot be developed due to technical problems from the student side, it cannot be made up. Whereas if the technical problems are from our side the class will be made up.
Limit date to reserve
Bookings will be accepted until the Thursday prior to the start of your course.
Periods without online classes
There will be no online classes during July and the Christmas holidays.